
Introduction to Python Programming

  1. Introduction

1.1. Course Overview

1.2. Why Python?

1.3. Setting Up the Python Environment

  1. Basic Python Syntax

2.1. Introduction to Python Syntax

2.2. Variables and Data Types

2.3. Operators

2.4. Basic Input and Output

  1. Control Structures

3.1. Conditional Statements (if, else, elif)

3.2. Looping Structures (for, while)

  1. Data Structures

4.1. Lists

4.2. Tuples

4.3. Dictionaries

4.4. Sets

  1. Functions and Modules

5.1. Defining and Calling Functions

5.2. Arguments and Return Values

5.3. Python Standard Library

  1. Object-Oriented Programming

6.1. Introduction to OOP

6.2. Classes and Objects

6.3. Inheritance

6.4. Polymorphism

  1. Error Handling and Exceptions

7.1. Errors in Python

7.2. Exception Handling (try, except, finally)

  1. File Handling and I/O

8.1. Reading and Writing Files

8.2. File Operations

  1. Introduction to Libraries and Frameworks

9.1. NumPy

9.2. Pandas

9.3. Matplotlib

  1. Final Project and Conclusion

10.1. Overview of the Final Project

10.2. Course Wrap-Up and Further Learning Pathways